Jun 2019
前几天,六月,17日,四川宜宾市长宁县发生了6.0级地震,震源深度16千米。目前,按照我所看到的新闻报导,有十几个人死亡,两百多人受伤。听说成都市民,在地震前约一分钟左右,收到了所在社区通过广播进行的预警,德阳市、资阳市等地的广播电视机构也通过电视进行了提前预警。从预警视频显示,随着倒计时10、9……1,警报声开始大作,地震震波到来。这种自然灾难总是很可怕也没有多少时间准备,会让每个人很觉得难过。我们全心❤️祝福中国,祝福四川的兄弟姐妹!我们为中国祈祷!上天祝福四川!--赛日 A few days ago (June 17) there was an earthquake in the Sichuan Province of China, particularly in YiBin City. As of the most recent reports, about 15 people were killed and another 200 plus injured. It’s a very sad situation. Our hearts go out to everyone in China and throughout Sichuan Province. We’re whole heartedly praying for everyone and send our sincere blessings to all!! God Bless Sichuan!!