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RIP To Two NBA Legends – Jerry West and Bill Russell

A Tribute to Jerry West and Bill Walton Jerry West Jerry West, known as "Mr. Clutch" for his remarkable ability to perform under pressure, was a 14-time All-Star and a key player in the Los Angeles Lakers' success during the 1960s and 1970s. His silhouette became the inspiration for the NBA logo, a testament to his iconic status in the league. He was aptly nicknamed "The Logo". After retiring, West [...]

Embracing Family and Thankfulness on Thanksgiving

Embracing Family and Thankfulness on Thanksgiving As the crisp autumn air settles in and the leaves transform into a vibrant tapestry of colors, families across the United States prepare for our time-honored tradition – Thanksgiving. Beyond the delectable feasts and football games, this cherished holiday serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of family and the timeless virtue of gratitude. The Heart of Thanksgiving – Our Family Bonds Thanksgiving […]

Tina Turner: A Rock and Roll Legend

Tina Turner: A Rock and Roll Legend Who Transformed Music and Will Forever Be Missed To start off, I’ll keep it simple. I grew up listening to Tina Turner and I’m better off for it. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to grow up in an era where her voice reverberated throughout the world of my youth.  I was truly saddened by the news of her passing. She […]


今天跟大家分享我新创作的冥想音乐。 这首乐曲有两个版本,一版本为冥想纯音,便于人们在轻柔舒缓的乐曲中,更快更好地让身心获得深度平静状态从而改变生命质量;另一版为调息放松训练,通过语音引导放松训练帮助那些处在紧张、压力、焦虑、抑郁等情绪状态下的人们,获得一些身心及精神上的放松。两版音乐旨在帮助人们通过气息调整训练、肌肉与肢体的放松训练、专注力与自制力的提升训练,获得身心灵的宁静与平衡,以此使人们拥有更健康、快乐、积极的生命状态。请点击右边的链接下载和播放。 关于冥想的训练,我提供以下步骤和技巧,方便大家参考: (1)环境:选择一个安静、光线不太强烈的地方,远离嘈杂和避免干扰。确保你的冥想空间干净、整洁,以营造一个舒适、平静的氛围。 (2)姿势:选择让自己舒适的姿势,可以坐在地板上或椅子上,或任何你喜欢的冥想姿势。既要让身体可以放松,但又不至于让你感到困倦。 (3)呼吸:将注意力集中在呼吸上是冥想的关键。缓慢而深长地呼吸,专注于每一次的呼气和吸气。当注意力分散游离时,让自己重新回到呼吸上,不要着急,随着练习的深入,你可以更持久的专注呼吸。 (4)观察:冥想并不是要消除思绪,而是观察它们的出现,并尽量不要与之产生情绪共鸣。让思绪自由地来去,不去追随或评判它们。保持观察者的角色,它们会渐渐消散。 (5)专注力:通过集中注意力来培养专注力是冥想的一个重要目标。你可以选择一个焦点,例如呼吸、身体的感觉或者特定的感知。当你的思绪偏离时,慢慢地将注意力重新引回到焦点上。 (6)深入放松:在冥想过程中,逐渐放松身体的各个部分。开始时,可以有意识地放松肌肉,让身体逐渐进入更深层次的放松状态。这有助于提高冥想的效果和体验。 (7)坚持和耐心:冥想是一个长期的修行过程,需要坚持和耐心。尽量每天安排一些时间进行冥想,并将其视为个人成长和内在平衡的投资。 请记住:这只是一个简要的介绍,冥想是一种广泛而深入的形式,不同的冥想技术和流派有各自的特点和方法。如果你对特定的冥想方式或技术感兴趣,建议你深入学习并寻求专业指导。 SIRIS | 赛日 训练放松冥想曲《节奏版,包括孙老师的指引》 https://www.sirismusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/SIRIS-SUN-XIN-MEDITATION-FOR-GOOD-HEALTH-AND-HEALING.mp3 Download |下载 训练放松冥想曲《无节奏,包括孙老师的指引》 https://www.sirismusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/VOX-MASTER-NO-DRUMS-VELOCITY-EXPERIMENT.mp3 Download |下载 训练放松冥想曲《无节奏,纯音乐版》 https://www.sirismusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/SIRIS-MEDITATION-MASTER-NO-DRUMS-OR-VOX.mp3 Download |下载

The Emotional, Spiritual and Human Touch of Creating Music

As a song writer and composer, I thoroughly enjoy the process of creating music. By nature, we are all creative beings. Anything we do creatively is an extension or reflection of our spiritual selves. I wholeheartedly believe that. What I enjoy most about the creative process of music is the inspiration I receive each day. As many of you know, when inspiration comes, it hits you like a bolt of […]


動物和同情心 人與人之間有緣分,人與動物之間有福分。人 同樣是動物,來到世間的主要目的是學習,動物同 樣如此。雖然動物的智商沒有人高,認知思維沒有 人強,但是在它們生活環境範圍內,就是在運行和 完成它們來到世上的任務。 大自然為人體生存所需已經提供了各種營養成 分,有人認為一定要吃肉才能生存,如果不吃肉身 體就得不到充足的營養和蛋白質,這些人編織各種 理由來解釋為什麼人體需要吃肉。不管你吃不吃肉, 都要客觀的來分析這個話題。   我小時候養過五隻貓、兩隻青蛙,以及各種各 樣的熱帶魚,還經常替朋友們照顧狗狗。我很愛動 物,每次聽到有人虐待動物的事,就會氣憤而且傷 心。 20 歲的時候,我在復旦大學念書,每天下課之 後,會到附近的一家小餐館吃飯。這家餐館的菜很 不錯,尤其是咕咾肉和他們用的醬非常好吃,讓我 欲罷不能。 記得有一次下課之後,我照常到餐館點了最喜 歡的咕咾肉,然後看到老闆娘帶了一隻白色的狗進 來。它長得很好看而且對人友好,我一下子就喜歡 上了它,一邊吃飯一邊摸著它。這只小狗也特別聰 明,當時小餐館裡有一個小球,我把球扔出去,它 就馬上跑過去把它撿回來。 那之後,每天下課我都會到餐館吃飯,並且跟 這個新朋友玩兒上一陣。它很乖,有時候會向我要 吃的,我就偷偷地在桌底給它一點,吃完後它就把 頭靠在我大腿上。這只狗很有靈性、可愛而且聰明, 我給它起了名字——王子。 連續兩個星期我都在這家餐館吃飯,因為每次 看到可愛的王子,我就會特別開心。我永遠不會忘 記兩個星期後的那個日子。那天,像平常一樣,下 課後到餐館吃飯,我並沒有像往常一樣看到王子。 我問服務員它去哪兒了,她的表情看起來特別 不正常。後來老闆娘從廚房出來,我直接問她:老 闆娘,我的小朋友跑到哪兒去了?她說:哦,你不知道?我說:知道什麼?她說:哦,我們把它給殺 了,從明天開始我們會賣狗肉。 在那一秒,我完全被這個老闆娘的話給震驚了, 我不能相信我聽到的話,太不可思議!我立刻站起 來問她:為什麼會做這麼殘忍的事?我強烈的反應 讓老闆娘知道那一刻我真的很生氣,而且,我告訴 她我再也不會到這家餐館來。也是從那天開始,我 再也不吃肉了。 那次經歷改變了我後來的生活習慣和生命態度, 我明白除了人與人之間要尊重,人與動物之間也必 須有尊重。人與動物擁有同一個家——地球,我們 都要學會用愛心、同情心對待每一個人、每一個動 物。要像愛自己一樣愛身邊的人,也包括所有的動 物。 動物跟人一樣有生命、有感情,有快樂,也會 感到痛苦。動物被宰殺之前會緊張、恐懼、甚至流 淚,它們面對這種壓力的時候,身體會分泌更多的 荷爾蒙和毒素。 人們在食用加工過的肉類時,同時也把肉內殘 留的毒素吃了進去,科學家們已經證實了這點。肉對身體沒有好處,而且會引起癌症。人在吃肉,也 在服毒。這就是因果法則。 為什麼那麼多人選擇吃肉?是因為人不懂同情 心這個的道理。我們學習的所有課程中最有意義的 一課就是:同情心。 請不要支持殺生,不要造成負面的因緣。要用 愛心改變這個世界,同情我們的兄弟姐妹,更要同 情動物,讓世界變得更加美好。

Celebrating Half A Century

Celebrating Half A Century It's a blessing to celebrate another birthday. This year marks the half century point for me. I don't know where the years went, but I can honestly say it's been exciting. I'm very lucky that I get to share my birthday with my mother. She's the kindest, most loving and caring human being I've ever known. My mom and I also share our birthday with her [...]

SIRIS – April Showers – New Single

SIRIS - April Showers - New Single We're very happy to announce the release of our new single "April Showers". The song will be available for purchase worldwide on April 30. You can now pre-order the single on iTunes and at most online music retailers. We hope you enjoy this jazzy little offering. Very special thanks to Andy Rampulla on sax and Doug Bossi on guitar. This is the first [...]

Top Ten Quarterbacks of All Time

Top Ten Quarterbacks of All Time I'm a big football fan, as well as a shameless Monday morning quarterback.  So I thought I'd take a shot at listing my top 10 QB's of all time. I've been around long enough to have watched some of the best quarterbacks perform over 4 decades. Because of my dad,  I grew up caring a lot about the history of football and the players [...]

The Angelic Singing of Luciano Pavarotti – The One and Only Maestro

Luciano Pavarotti - The One and Only Maestro The angelic singing of Luciano Pavarotti is the subject of today's blog.  When we think of music and singing, we all have varied tastes. Our preferences are wide ranging. That's the beauty of art, in any form. There's always something for everyone. I grew up appreciating the Italian traditions on my mother's side. There was never a lack of appreciation for art [...]

Chester Thompson – A Joyful Noise

A Joyful Noise When looking back at my life, it’s sometimes hard to say which moments were “defining” moments!  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve spent more time reflecting on life than I used to. There's one moment that I can say, without a doubt, was a defining moment for me. That moment was when I first saw Chester Thompson play the drums! It was around 1990. I was still in [...]

Rita Hayworth

Rita Hayworth - A Triumphantly Tragic Life I recently received my autographed copy of Barbara Leaming's book: "If This Was Happiness: A Biography of Rita Hayworth". Needless to say, I was excited to receive the book and equally excited to dive right into her story. Throughout my life, I've known about Rita Hayworth, but never really looked closely at her life or career. I heard passing stories about her glamorous [...]

We Are All Equal In The Eyes of God!

It’s a Very Simple Truth! We are all equal in the eyes of God. Jesus taught us a very important lesson, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. For every one who faithfully follows God, all life is precious. All life should be loved, cherished and protected. That includes the born and the unborn.  So it’s right and reasonable for all God loving people on earth to defend the sanctity of life […]

Movie Review – “Marty” – 1955 (Starring Ernest Borgnine and Betsy Blair) – No Spoilers

Marty I've been on a real classic film kick lately. Anything old, anything classic, and anything in black and white seems to be my cup of tea these days. From the time I was a kid, I was always a fan of Ernest Borgnine. My introduction to his work was in reruns of the TV sitcom McHale's Navy. I loved his acting and sense of timing. Along with Tim Conway, [...]

Corona Virus Craziness

Corona Virus Craziness Well, it's been a little while since we last posted any updates. A lot has happened around the world since our last post.  I was planning a trip to China in February that got canceled due to the Corona Virus outbreak. We're living in crazy times. Everyone stay safe, stay happy, and stay healthy! My Views on The Corona Virus I first heard about the virus back [...]

“SIRIS” – Jazzy Jingle Bells – “Merry Christmas – From Our Family To Yours!”

"SIRIS" - Jazzy Jingle Bells - "Merry Christmas - From Our Family To Yours!" Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! It's a wonderful and magical time to be with family and friends. Wishing you all a very blessed Holiday Season filled with much peace, love, happiness, good health, prosperity and lots of laughter!! May the new year bring you many blessings! By the way... [...]


我是誰? 以下的內容是來自我的新書《靈感的智慧——人生指南》很高興跟大家分享。旁邊也有視頻。希望我的人生經歷能幫助大家更好的了解人生的意義。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 每天,很多人問:我是誰? 這個問題確實讓人 感覺迷惑。在這個世界上,你,是一個人,你的思 想、情緒、心態和性格,都是你。 你,就是你。一個能呼吸、吃飯、走路、思考、 說話、行動的肉體。這個肉體裡面,有個更重要的 東西,叫做「靈魂」。你的精神、智慧、良知、良 心及所想一切,都屬於「靈魂」。你、我、我們都 有,強大、永恆、堅不可摧的「靈魂」。 說到底「靈魂」是什麼東西呢?很多人聽到「靈 魂」這個詞會感到害怕,會馬上聯想到「鬼」和各 種恐怖的事情。人們總是喜歡集中各種恐懼的事情 嚇唬自己,這是因為人們不瞭解「靈魂」,不明白 這方面的真相,今天你要瞭解的真相就在這裡。 我要告訴你:不必害怕這個真相,當你瞭解「靈 魂」 以後,會更深地瞭解你是誰,認識更真實的自 己,也會越來越接近自己的本質。 好好聽我的話:沒有「鬼」這個東西,只有「靈 魂」。它是一個有形式的光體,是內在的你,血肉 組成的只是肉身而已。二十一世紀有足夠科學證據 支持「靈魂」的存在,許多物理專家、天體物理專 家和形而上學專家承認我們具有生物光子形式的靈 魂。請繼續看下去,你將會慢慢明白這一切。 你現在的血肉之軀,好像一部車,「靈魂」是 司機。用車和司機來比喻,能更直接地瞭解「靈魂 與肉體」的和睦關係。光體靈魂需要利用身體來經 歷世間的一切,以此來完成「靈魂」在世間的任務。 世間是一個大的課堂,我們都是其中的學生,靈魂 與肉體的結合就是為了讓我們能更好的學習。 「靈魂」不會死,它一直存在並具有超能力。 它就是你內心的聲音,是分辨善惡的良心,是一個 人內在的全部能量。 這個指南將告訴你:如何回到本性,如何認識 真實的自己,如何開展更高的人生智慧。而這一切, 要從認識自己開始。   COPYRIGHT ©️ 2020 - SIRIS - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 版权所有©️ Please enable JavaScriptplay-sharp-fill LinkEmbedCopy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed.

SIRIS, Hugh Padgham And That Time In London

It was a cool, cloudy day in London on July 9, 2006. Nothing out of the ordinary for most Brits. No matter how cliche' it might sound, there always seems to be a light drizzle in parts of England, on any given day. This day was no different. That's not to say there aren't sunny days in England, but comparatively speaking, they always seem to be in shorter supply. At [...]

Growing up in Philadelphia Watching Dr. J – We were spoiled!

Growing Up In Philly My brother and I were very lucky to grow up in Philadelphia.  Philly is a tough blue collar town and sometimes people from outside of Philly don’t always get us.  People from Philly are straight shooters, unabashedly direct and sometimes brutally honest. We know what we like and we tell you how we feel.  We take great pride in our city, our roots and our sports.  […]


前几天,六月,17日,四川宜宾市长宁县发生了6.0级地震,震源深度16千米。目前,按照我所看到的新闻报导,有十几个人死亡,两百多人受伤。听说成都市民,在地震前约一分钟左右,收到了所在社区通过广播进行的预警,德阳市、资阳市等地的广播电视机构也通过电视进行了提前预警。从预警视频显示,随着倒计时10、9……1,警报声开始大作,地震震波到来。这种自然灾难总是很可怕也没有多少时间准备,会让每个人很觉得难过。我们全心❤️祝福中国,祝福四川的兄弟姐妹!我们为中国祈祷!上天祝福四川!--赛日 A few days ago (June 17) there was an earthquake in the Sichuan Province of China, particularly in YiBin City. As of the most recent reports, about 15 people were killed and another 200 plus injured. It’s a very sad situation. Our hearts go out to everyone in China and throughout Sichuan Province. We’re whole heartedly praying for everyone and send our sincere blessings to all!! God Bless Sichuan!! […]