Mar 2020
Corona Virus Craziness
Corona Virus Craziness
Well, it’s been a little while since we last posted any updates. A lot has happened around the world since our last post. I was planning a trip to China in February that got canceled due to the Corona Virus outbreak. We’re living in crazy times. Everyone stay safe, stay happy, and stay healthy!
My Views on The Corona Virus
I first heard about the virus back in December, probably well before most people in the USA knew about it. I was planning a trip to China and looking forward to returning to Beijing. It wasn’t until sometime in January, the virus started spreading aggressively in China and soon after, friends in China told me not to go. It was only about a week later, January 30th, that the US government stopped all travel to and from China. That was a clear sign something was wrong. I have many personal views about the entire situation, but for now I’ll spare you of that blather. I just want to send my love to all of our Chinese friends and fans, and of course our friends and fans here in the US and from around the world. I’m hopeful everyone’s lives will soon get back to normal.
Times Like These
I think times like these provide us with a golden opportunity to pause and ponder over the meaning of life. Life is very short. We need to value this learning experience. This world is our classroom and we are the students. We strive each day to learn more about ourselves and to do our best to love and help one another. That really needs to be our focus in life. There’s really no greater purpose than this. Faith is essential. We need to be focused on God’s greater plan for all of us. The things of this world are temporary. This illusion that we’re all experiencing is simply meant to help us learn and improve. Let’s try to get it right.
During these crazy times, it’s also important for us to pay special attention to our health, hygiene and of course, our loved ones. I send my prayers and best wishes to all of you for much peace, love, happiness and good health. Stay strong and continue to keep the faith. Like all challenges in life, this too shall pass.
Much Love,